2215 Green Vista Drive #304, Sparks, NV 89431
Phone: 775-827-2323
Certification and Licensure
1983- Diplomat, National State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
1984- Graduated Life College West
1984- Nevada Board of Chiropractic Examiners
1984- Certificate of National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association
1994- NUCCA Certificate of Achievement Bronze Award for 10 Years of Dedication and Commitment
1992- Spine Research Institute of San Diego, Advanced Certification
1992-Present- Clinical Chemistry with Biotic Research and Nutritional Supplements
Over 10,000 hours of post-graduate and extra-curricular study in the field of health care, nutrition, biomechanics, laser therapy and exercise
University of Nevada Reno
Life College of Chiropractic, 1984
Current Member of
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Organization
Former Developer and Technical Instructor of
S.O.N.A.R. – Spinal Orthopedic Neurological Advancement Restoration Foundation 1997-2001
Point of Origin Energetic- Effective Soft Tissue Relief System
Practitioner/Administrator of
Chinese Medicine (Wei Laboratory)
Tai-Chi and Qui-Gong
HealthLight infrared light therapy- West Coast retail and wholesale
Zyto – Advanced Biocommunication Technology
Muscle balance, function, and developmental exercises
Fracture Recovery Expedited through Natural Herbal Treatment and Diet
Reid Brecke, DC, Sparks, Nevada, March 2018
A female patient presented with a broken toe resulting from a slip on the ice December 20th, 2017. This finding was confirmed with x-ray the following morning. She started a regime with Wei Musculoskeletal Institute herbal treatment consists of topical herbal formula and an internal formula. She also added in a vitamin product, Intenzyme Forte™ from Biotics Research Corporation, to help reduce swelling and inflammation. Along with these therapies she increased her calorie and total protein intake to address a nutritional need in her body for further speed in healing.
She continued on a 4 weeks treatment following the protocol. During this time the foot was placed in a boot, with use of a scooter, occasional pressure, and walking on the foot for 2 weeks. After the 2nd week she started to walk more, continuing to keep her foot in the boot as needed. By January 15th, 2018 the patient stated she was not walking with the boot anymore, and had started to wean off it the week prior.
The practitioner noted that most of the healing happened in the first 4 weeks, and that more recent x-rays are showing slower change during the remodeling phase of bone growth. The patient was happy with the speedy recovery and back to driving, walking and enjoying life. As an additional note she states that her bone spur has softened and is no longer painful for walking since starting the therapy for her fracture on the same foot.*

* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
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