386 West Main St, Northborough, MA 01532
Phone: 508-414-8363
Diane Jones, Licensed Acupuncturist, is a 1993 graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture. With over 22 years of experience, she uses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Japanese acupuncture, and Tung style acupuncture to treat low back pain, joint pain, acute and chronic injuries, headaches and migraines. Her other specialties include acupuncture for sinus infections, digestive disorders, and gynecological or pregnancy-related problems (PMS, morning sickness, breech position). Additionally, Diane uses acupuncture to induce labor naturally. Diane both treats and manages complex immune diseases with acupuncture, including Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and MS.
Complete Healing of a Torn Bicep
Diane Jones, Northborough, MA 01532, October 2016
A 72 y.o. male patient came to Diane for a torn bicep. He played golf all the time, the injury happened while he was playing golf. The tear wasn’t a complete tear, which was a little over 2 inches long and 1/4 inch wide, which one could see just by looking at his arm. His MD recommended immobilization therapy.
His wife referred him to Diane. Diane immediately treated him according to Wei Musculoskeletal Institute protocol and prescribed 6 consecutive sessions of treatment. After he finished the 6th session, the tear was gone! He could no longer see it, he couldn’t even find it with palpitation either!* He asked Diane if he can play golf again. Diane gave him a guideline of how to ease back into golf: if he can hit one bucket of golf balls and feel no pain afterward, he should be able to get back to playing regularly. The patient was completely cured and now plays golf all the time!*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
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