Our Approach
As a leading innovator in the field of natural wellness care, Wei Musculoskeletal Institute network practitioners are specialized in treating tough to treat musculoskeletal conditions using natural herbal formulas. We offers a 100% natural herbal treatment based on the combined knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern biochemistry. For 15 years, our practitioners have been treating thousands of cases of tough to treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions with 95% success rate. We have successfully helped many patients become pain free, avoid surgery, and regain their total functionality.
The conditions we treat include but are not limited to bulging/herniated disc, stenosis, bone spur, osteoarthritis, bone-on-bone conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Our treatment also help accelerate healing of a wide array of musculoskeletal injuries such as torn muscle, ligament, tendon, cartilage and spinal disc, bone fractures and tendonitis.
Often, today’s Western Medicine’s approach towards resolving musculoskeletal conditions is exclusively a symptom based approach. This means providing some immediate relief of symptoms by use of anti-inflammatory, and pain killer medications. This approach provides some temporary pain relief but ignores the root cause of the condition and tissue damage. Ultimately, it leads to progression of the patient’s condition to the point that patients may face surgery as their only option, which, however, cannot guarantee a resolution. And also, surgery often may carry significant side effect and risk of introducing additional damage.
Alternatively, based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, we focus on the root cause of the condition in not only the inflicted areas but also in related organ systems. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based upon the premise of balance between the body’s core organs and the structure (Yin) and function (Yang) within each organ. The relationship between these organs and the Yin/Yang within each organ is not completely understood, but scientific evidence has come to support many of the ancillary assertions of TCM, such as the discovery of the direct impacts some naturally occurring compounds have on the regulation of the organ’s activities.
We use a holistic approach that includes all-natural Chinese herbal treatment and other natural therapies. Through targeting the root cause, our natural treatments enhance the ability of the body to repair damage, reverse chronic musculoskeletal conditions, and heal non-healable injuries. For injuries that can naturally heal, Our natural treatments can accelerates the healing 5-10 times faster. By returning the body’s musculoskeletal system to its natural state of function and structure, we provide a better outlook for a patient’s future and eliminate the need for surgery.
Our treatment achieve consistent and satisfactory results through the following approaches:
1 Enhance Blood Flow
Blood vessels are often injured in many acute or chronic injuries. Such blood vessel injuries combined with injury-induced local inflammation can cause substantially reduced local blood flow limiting the injury healing process. Some tissues such as tendons have an inherently limited blood supply and heal very slow following injury. Our herbal treatments can enable a quick repair of the blood vessel and improve local blood flow to supply oxygen, catalytic enzyme co-factors, and building blocks to support the immune system for the healing of tissue injuries with enhanced biosynthesis of essential tissues such as collagens for ligament and tendon repair, myofibrils for muscle repair, proteoglycan for cartilage and spinal disc regeneration, and compact bone tissue for bone regeneration. These will result in an accelerated healing of acute injuries and reversal of chronic conditions.
2 Enhance Local Lymphatic Circulation and Breakdown of Necrotic Tissue
Acute or chronic injury can damage the lymph vessel and cause excessive accumulation of waste toxins and dead tissue in the injured area affecting injury repair and tissue degeneration. The herbal formulas we developed help repair the lymph vessel and enhance lymphatic circulation, help the immune system accelerate cellular waste debris removal and break down necrotic tissue or dead tissue in the injured area and open up space for new tissue regeneration resulting in accelerated healing of acute injury and reversal of chronic conditions.
3 Accelerate Biosynthesis, Enhance Metabolism and Local Microcirculation
Patients may find the local temperature treated with our herbal treatments 2 degrees warmer than the adjacent untreated areas. This reflects an enhanced immune activity and increased local metabolism with the use of the herbal formulas, which results in an accelerated biosynthesis of myofiber for muscle regeneration, collagen for ligament and tendon repair, and proteoglycan for joint cartilage and spinal disc repair and regeneration for healing of acute injuries and reversal of chronic conditions.
It is a common belief that joint cartilage and/or vertebral fibrocartilage cannot regenerate or regrow and any damage to them is thus permanent. In fact, cartilaginous tissue regenerates, but at a very slow rate. Cartilaginous tissue does not have a blood supply, and instead relies upon local microcirculation for nutrient and immune support. Normal cartilage regenerative activity can repair daily wear and tear. As people age, the microcirculation of their synovial lining become less efficient, resulting in a decreased nutrient supply to their avascular cartilage. This slows their cartilage regeneration and allows degeneration to overcome it. Our treatment not only increases the local blood supply, but also increases local microcirculation to provide necessary nutrient for cartilage regeneration.
4 Toxin and Fluid Removal through Sweat Glands and Skin Irritations
An excessive amount of liquid and toxins can be accumulated at the injured location such as a joint or spinal disc in a very chronic conditions and simply enhanced lymphatic circulation may not be sufficient to clear the liquids and toxins quickly. Through a process referred to as Expelling Damp, our natural solutions can help extract the fluid and toxins to the skin surface through the sweat gland. These toxins can cause skin irritation when the toxins are disposed through the skin. However, the skin irritation should cease in one week.
5 Enhance Catabolism for Scar, Calcification and Bony Tissue Removal
Scar tissue, calcification, and bony growth are referred to as Blood Stasis in TCM. In the healing process of these conditions, it is required that the immune system be assisted to carry out a catabolic process and induce certain programmed cell death processes. The use of our herbal formulas can help initiate and accomplish this process to dissolve scars, calcification and bony growth.
6 Enhance Systemic Microcirculation for Severe Conditions and Elderly
Patients who are aged and/or have degenerative joint or spinal disc conditions, chronic musculoskeletal injuries, or have other medical conditions may have decreased systemic microcirculations due to under-functioning capillaries. With a compromised microcirculation, patients have difficulty absorbing the nutrients from the digestive tract, and the nutrients in the blood can’t reach to the desired tissue to support tissue regeneration, leading to joint/spinal disc degeneration and acute musculoskeletal injuries to become a chronic condition. Our herbal solutions help repair the capillary structure and open up the smallest blood vessel to enhance whole body microcirculation. Our practitioners can help patients improve nutrient absorption and achieve reversal of chronic joint disc and other musculoskeletal injuries or degeneration.
7 Improve Liver Function and Reverse Stenosis and Bone Spur
Bone formation and remolding is a complicated process which is coordinated primarily between the osteoblast and osteoclast. The bone primarily consists of calcium which functions as the cement and collagen fibers which function as the reinforcing rods, if the bone is thought of as reinforced concrete. Collagen accounts for 90% of the proteins in the bone tissue. The other 10% are non-collagenous proteins. Among these non-collagenous proteins, a plasma protein called alpha-2 HS-glycoprotein (also known as fetuin-A) is synthesized in the liver. It has been found that this molecule functions as an important inhibitor of ectopic calcification on the systemic level. Our clinical observations also found that patients with bone spurs or stenosis usually exhibit liver deficiencies. The ectopic calcification or unwanted calcification may be caused by decreased inhibitory activity of the fetuin-A deficient extracellular fluid on mineral formation, which is due to poor liver function. By using our liver treatment solutions incorporating with musculoskeletal treatment protocols, our practitioner can help the patients to improve liver function, reverse stenosis and bone spurs and can successfully prevent the reformation of unwanted calcifications.
8 Improve Lymphatic Circulation and Reverse Joint / Spinal Disc Autoimmunity
Autoimmunity to the joint and spinal disc is a condition in which the patient’s immune system attacks their joint synovial membrane and spinal disc causing rheumatoid arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Poor lymphatic circulation can cause accumulation of excessive waste molecules in the lymphatic system and trigger immune reactions. Such excessive waste accumulation in the lymphatic system is referred to as Spleen Damp in TCM. By using our natural solutions to improve lymphatic circulation and clear the waste in the lymphatic system in combination with musculoskeletal treatment, our practitioners can help reverse the autoimmune condition and repair joint damage.
In about 75% of RA case, the normally thin synovial membrane of the hand joints proliferates to form a thick, villous edematous pannus that releases substances that quicken bone erosion, cartilage destruction and damage to the surrounding ligaments. The involved joints lose their shape and alignment, resulting in deformities. Our clinical observation has found that patients with joint deformity usually exhibit liver deficiency. Our liver treatment will improve liver function and help reverse joint deformity.
Ankylosing Spondylitis is an autoimmune disease that causes vertebrae and the joint swelling and eventual fusion of the spine. It is a condition caused by both liver deficiency and Spleen Damp. Our herbal treatment for clearing Spleen damp and improving liver function will help resolve this condition.
9 Improve Digestive Tract Health and Reverse Piriformis Syndrome, Heal Hip Pain, Hip Osteoarthritis and Avascular Necrosis
Piriformis Syndrome is a condition when the Piriformis muscle contracts and spasms, compressing and irritating the sciatic nerve causing sciatic pain along the path of the sciatic nerve descending down the lower thigh and into the leg. Piriformis muscle spasms also compress the superior and inferior gluteal nerve and arteries beneath the muscle causing contractions of other muscles in the buttocks and cause symptoms of hip muscle pain, coldness, tightness, tingling and numbness in the buttocks. Hip muscle contractions and tightening further compresses the femoral artery and its branch, the profunnda femoris, the main artery supplying blood to the hip joint capsule and the femur neck, resulting in restricted blood supply and causing hip joint cartilage degeneration, hip osteoarthritis and femur neck bone death leading to osteonecrosis, or avascular necrosis. Injury to the hip joint can also cause hip osteoarthritis.
The Piriformis muscle is the most important muscle in the lower body involved in balance, posture, and every move of the lower body. Contraction of the Piriformis muscle moves the body in different directions. Tightening of Piriformis muscle is one of the stress responses for “fight-flight” and the muscle can lock at the contraction mode if the body is under a prolonged stress condition. Piriformis syndrome can be developed resulting in hip pain, osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis. Another two common responses to stress is round-up of the shoulder and contraction of the stomach with reduced blood flow to these areas. Prolonged stress can also cause stomach conditions as well as shoulder conditions. From our clinical observations, it has been found that most patients who have hip osteoarthritis also have stomach conditions including acid reflux, GERD, poor digestion, or stomach ulcers due to poor blood supply to the stomach. Our practitioners can help relax the stomach contraction and improve blood flow to the stomach with our GI treatment and simultaneously help relax the Piriformis muscle and resolve hip coldness and tightness from Piriformis Syndrome. Used in combination with musculoskeletal treatment and kidney support, our practitioners can help reverse the hip joint degeneration.
Pain Reduction Pattern– Initial Pain Increase
Patients with chronic injuries such as tendinosis, may experience an initial sharp pain spike due to a reversal from the chronic condition to an acute condition taking place. The pain should decrease and dissipate as treatment continues.
Patients with chronic joint or disc injuries or conditions may experience a fluctuation in the pain level as a result of the healing process and the restoration of nerve sensation. Typical pain reduction patterns seen in our treatments are:
- Direct pain reduction
- Change of a dull aching pain to a sharp pain followed by pain reduction
- An increase in pain for the first 7-10 days followed by pain reduction (especially for traumatic disc injuries)
- Initial pain reduction, reappearance of pain, and finally pain reduction
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