Diane Sheppard, LAc Phone: (760) 345-2200 Address: 77-682 Country Club Drive, Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 Leave a Reply Thank you for providing your information. It will help us assist you better and faster. Your information will be kept confidential. First name: * Last name: * Email: * ZIP: * City: * State: * Country: * Phone (At Least 10 Digits): * Do you fill out the form for yourself or for someone else?: * MyselfSomeone Else Chief Complaint: * -ArthritisKnee PainFrozen ShoulderRotator Cuff InjuryBack Pain/Bulging or Herniated DiscStenosis/Bone SpursMeniscus/Labrum Tear/Cartilage InjuryTendonitisSprain/StrainFractureRheumatoid ArthritisOthers: Please specify in "Message" Below Message: * Check if you want to receive our Monthly Newsletter Type the text shown: * Send me a copy * These fields are required.