Dr. Williams is a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician who specializes in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She graduated from Beijing Medical University, one of the best in China. She was a practicing Neurologist. Ying received her graduate degree from Hershey Medical Center & Residency training at York Hospital. Ying also trained at UCLA – Medical Acupuncture for Physicians, and is a full member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Please checkout our website & Dauphin/Cumberland Directories, listed under Acupuncturists & Physicians – Pain Management. We list the common medical conditions Dr. Williams may be able to help you with.
Dr. Williams believes in the “Best of Both Worlds”, Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture and Conventional Medicine. She will use whichever is best for her patients. We accept Workers’ Compensation – Auto Insurance. We also accept some private health insurance such as the standard plan of Federal BC/BS. We participate in Medicare.
Dr. Williams strives to provide a very special place for her patients, where there is no hurry or rush and you may have time to ask all of your questions. Yet, she almost always sees you on time and you will leave the office very satisfied.
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